We're sure you all saw her on Popstars, the show which made Hear'say and Liberty X, but just in
case you didn't here's the info:
Hayley auditioned in Birmingham in September 2000. At the auditions, she hit it off with Gary Lewis, 21 at the time, from
the West Midlands. The two started seeing each other, but split up soon afterwards.

On Day One of the Brixton Workshop, Hayley felt her performance wasn't up to scratch. 'I was confident in my singing ability
but I didn't perform well', she said. 'I thought I'd be out yesterday so I'm grateful they've given me another chance. I've
never fely like I did when I had to walk up to those judges.' She laughs. 'It was horrible.' Popstars is the biggest audition
Hayley has ever been to, but she said she'd prefer to know sooner rather than later if she is not going to make it. 'I'd rather
go out today than on Thursday. I'd hate to get that close and not get it.'

Hayley was told she wasn't right for the band on Day Four. She said: 'It's very sad. I've only been here for four days
but it feels like I've spent months with these people. They can't really give you a reason for having to go. They just say
you're not right for the band. But they've given me that push to keep going, and I will now.'
and keep going she did..........